Good housekeeping practices are necessary to avoid slips, falls and injuries. Running boards, treads, steps, footholds and platforms must be kept clear of mud, ice, snow and other hazards. Grease and oil spills should be wiped up immediatly. Operators should clean their boots of excess mud before getting on a machine. Store tools, equipment and other objects properly to prevent tripping. Operators should never carry tools in their hands while mounting and dismounting equipment.

Machine levers are not designed to support the weight of an operator. They can bend or break. Control can be activated suddenly, moving components and causing injury to other personnel.

Using the steering wheel as a handhold on articulating machines can cause them to move. Theses machines also have pitch point, which could cause injury or death to other personnel.

Both machine levers and steering wheels, when used as hand holds can move causing the operator to become unbalanced and slip or fall and incur injury.

Using grousers on bulldozers is not recommended. The grouse does not always provide a sufficient toehold for the operator. In wet or muddy conditions, the tracks are very slippery and an operator could slip and incur serious injury.