The Visible Job Market & Your Job Search

The Visible Job Market refers to jobs that are obviously available to the general public, for example, those seen in newspaper ads, Help-Wanted signs, the Internet, HRDC Job Banks.

Every job searcher should apply for visibly available jobs. However, be aware that the competition can be tough.

The Visible Job Market accounts for only 15-20% of all jobs. The Hidden Job Market accounts for 80-85% of all jobs.

The Hidden Job Market & Your Job Search

The Hidden Job Market refers to those jobs not obviously available to the general public.

In today’s highly-competitive labour market, most jobs are filled before they ever get advertised. As a job seeker, your objective is to make contact with employers before they realize they need your expertise. Quite often it is the most accessible candidate, and not the most qualified candidate that gets offered a position.

By being in the right place at the right time, you have the opportunity to make yourself known to the employer, with little or no competition.

The Hidden Job Market, can be accessed by: