Check for typos, grammatical errors and coffee stains (use the spell
check feature on your word processor and ask someone to check for
mistakes that it, and / or you may have missed.
Type size should be readable.
It should be no longer than 2 pages
Give accurate information e.g. correct dates and job titles.
Use the correct style of résumé e.g. if seeking a job in and area in
which you have no prior experience, use a functional or skills based
style rather than a chronological.
Include specific accomplishments and achievements that will make
you unique from other candidates.
Do not give reasons for why you are no longer working at each
job listed.
Focus on what you done most recently (it is not necessary to go
back more than 10 years).
Target to the particular type of job or field of work.
Do not include
personal information such as marital status,
age, race, etc.