Absorption by the body. 32% scalp, 100% eyes, 47% ear canal, 9% forearm, 19% abdomen, 12% palm, 100% genital area and 14% foot.

3. How Do Harmful Substances Enter the Body?

a. inhalation - through the lungs
b. absorption - through the skin
c. ingestion - through the mouth & stomach

Other Exposures and Routes of Entry

Inhalation, ingestion and absorption

(or any other chemical)

What are the hazards?

How do I protect myself?

What do I do in an emergency?

Where is more information?

4. Related info about health and chemicals

a. Health effects of materials

b. Body responses to exposure

5. Making it happen – responsibilities




use special labels to
give hazard information

“controlled products” labelled

use “controlled products”
safely - no risk to self/others

provide a material
safety data sheet (MSDS)

MSDS’s readily available

follow work procedures

update MSDS every 3 years or 6 months on new health information

train workers on the safe use of “controlled products”