A - Compressed Gas |
- explosive danger because gases under pressure
- container could explode if heated or impacted
B - Flammable & Combustible |
- will burn/spontaneously ignite in air
- give off flammable gas if in contact with water
- may ignite if exploded to flames, sparks, heat, friction
C - Oxidizing Method |
- fire &/or explosion risk in presence of Class B material
- react violently or explode when contacting combustible materials
D - Poisonous & Infectious |
D1 - Materials Causing Immediate & Serious Toxic Effect |
- a potentially fatal poisonous substance
- may be fatal/cause permanent damage if inhaled, swallowed, absorbed
D2 - Materials Causing Other Toxic Effect |
- a poison not immediately dangerous to life
- repeated exposures can cause death/permanent damage
- may be a sensitizer, cause cancer, birth defects, sterility
D3 - Biohazardoud Infectious Material |
- may cause serious disease resulting in illness or death
E - Corrosive Material |
- causes eye/skin tissue damage on contact
- severe tissue damage with prolonged contact
- may be harmful if inhaled
F - Dangerously Reactive Material |
- very unstable
- react with water to give off toxic gas
- may explode from shock, heat, friction
- undergoes polymerization/decompostion