Part II: PLAR for HEO and Skilled Labourer

This report presents a summary of a proposed model for labour market intake and development in the Heavy Construction Sector in Manitoba, specifically for the occupations of Skilled Labourer and Heavy Equipment Operator (HEO). The project transpired over several months in 2005 and 2006 and was designed to help the government plan a better process for the matching of workers in this sector and training.

Over the past several months, this project has sought out the opinion of a variety of heavy construction stakeholders including government, labour, industry organizations and companies (see Appendix D, Employer Survey with Prototype Field Test). Throughout this project the consultants worked with the government offices of Employment and Training Services and Industry Training Partnerships, through Workplace Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition and Workplace Essential Skills. There are multiple smaller projects within the overall project and this necessitated a two-part report. This paper is PART II, and a companion to Part I: Essential and Employability Skills Curriculum for Skilled Labourer and HEO.

This report discusses how the labour market functions in the construction sector and what it will take within a partnership model to address labour market shortages. The project also analyzed the newly developed industry standards for Skilled Labourer and HEO and identified how they relate to core competencies. The Essential and employability skills were added to the technical competencies for a full listing of core competencies for entry level positions. In addition to Essential Skills and employability skills assessments, a field test and process for assessment were created and were successfully piloted in a rural community. Finally, a check-list was created to guide the purchase of training.