Please answer the following question as indicated.
1. Who could be authorized to conduct these field assessments? Please check three choices:
- A Heavy Equipment Operator (HEO) with two-five years experience
- A Heavy Equipment Operator with five-ten years experience
- A person who has worked as a HEO for five-ten years and also has instructional experience
in an institutional setting.
- A person who has worked as a HEO for two-five years and also has instructional experience
in an institutional setting.
- An instructor of Heavy Equipment Training at a non-profit training institution
- An instructor of Heavy Equipment Training at a post secondary institution
- An instructor of Heavy Equipment Training at a private training institution
- An officially certified assessor from an appropriate government department
- An officially certified assessor ratified by an industry committee
2. Please check what could be needed in the documentation of this assessment.
- Calculate basic math calculations related to Construction
- Current contact information (Name, mailing address, and postal code)
- Current driver’s license
- Current First Aid certificate
- Current WHMIS certificate
- Demonstrate appropriate communication on the worksite
- Demonstrated sufficient knowledge of safety issues
- Demonstrated the lock-out and tag-out procedure
- Describe tools, equipment and materials related to Construction
- Phone number (cell or ground)
- Relevant training taken in the past five years
- Relevant training taken in the past two years
- Use basic construction documents
- Has PPE
- Has tools
- Other:

3. What format could this credential be? Please check your choices:
- Electronic: accessed through a secured central database
- Paper assessment
- Wallet sized card (laminated)
- Wallet sized card (laminated) and further information on paper available on request.
- Other: (specify)