Use the timesheet below to answer questions 11 to 15:

  1. What is Wayne Campbell’s Employee Number?
  2. How many hours did Rick Smith spend grading?
  3. How many hours were spent clearing the lot?
  4. How many hours were spent clearing, grading and levelling the lot?
  5. Did any of the three employees work overtime?
    (Assume that 8.0 hours is a regular shift.)

Three-Way Heavy Equipment Operators
Leaf Rapids, Manitoba

Timesheet for June 7, 2005
Job: Prep lots in town for new houses

Name Employee # Clearing Grading Leveling
Joe Soares 12585 2.5 3.5 2.0
Rick Smith 13562 3.5 4.5 0.5
Wayne Campbell 12391 1.5 1.2 3.5