Topic – Safety and Hearing
Learning Outcomes – Participants will be able to demonstrate the proper use of hearing protection devices
Time Steps Activity Materials


Introduce Hearing Conservation


45 min

Explain the Importance

Discuss how heavy construction industry equipment and machinery can be very noisy, above the safe levels prescribed by regulation.

Discuss hearing damage; the loss is permanent.


Show Learners

  • Play video – “Invisible Hazard”. After completion, ask participants how they would feel if they experienced the amount of hearing loss described by one of the participants in the video.
  • Work through handout – “Hearing Conservation”. Emphasize the fact that once damage to the hair cells in the inner ear, the damage is permanent.
  • Explain Manitoba’s requirement for hearing protection. Note that above 85 dBA and less than 90 dBA, hearing protection is optional. Recommend that it should be worn. Above 90dBA – use of hearing protection devices (HPD’s) is compulsory. HPD’s must be provided by the employer. Also note that above 80dBA noise levels, annual hearing testing must be done by the employer.
  • Demonstrate the proper way to insert an ear plug into the ear. Note that the ear canal must be straightened out by pulling up on the ear before inserting the plug. If using disposable foam plugs, mention the fact that these types of plugs present a hygiene issue, because the fingers must be clean before inserting them into the ears. Also mention that the plugs must be held in position for 30 seconds by holding them in place in the ear canal with a finger. Some people with smaller than average ear canals will often find this type of HPD uncomfortable due to pressure of the expanded foam.
  • Show a pair of ear muffs. Inform participants that the cuff and dome must fit over the entire ears and that hair and arms for glasses will interfere with proper protection.

Handout– “Hearing Conservation”

Video – “Invisible Hazard” (approximately 10 minutes)

Hearing protection devices – ear plugs for each participant (type with a stem– not disposable foam plugs!)

A set of ear muffs for demonstration.


Learner Shows you

Have participant demonstrate inserting the earplug into their ears.

Continue to talk to demonstrate that the HPD’s do not block out all sound – they just cut down on the high end, damaging volume.