Topic – Daily Tracking Time
Learning Outcomes – Participants will be able to document their work time accurately
Time Steps Activity Materials

15 min


Introduce time tracking


Explain the Importance

Tracking time worked on a site will ensure that you are paid properly.

Sample Timesheet


Show Learners

Illustrate on a flip chart/whiteboard information that should be tracked

  • Activity
  • Hours

Illustrate a sample of a time sheet


Learner Shows you

Participants complete there timesheet


Topic – Daily Wrap up
Learning Outcomes – Participants will be able to review and prepare for the next day
Time Steps Activity Materials

15 min


Introduce the daily wrap up process


Explain the Importance

Wrap up
Parking Lot
Tomorrows agenda


Show Learners

Complete Timesheets



Learner Shows you

Verify the completeness of the timesheets
Adjourn for the day