2.5 hrs

Show Learners

  • How do harmful substances enter the body? Other exposures & routes of entry “injection/puncture”. Usually related to health care field where needle stick injuries are a major concern, or other workplaces where sharp objects may be present – construction – rebar etc.
  • Absorption by body – explain diagram. Ask “Why does the eyes and genital area have such a potentially high absorption rate? Answer – Thin outer skin/membrane covering these areas; high concentration of blood vessels close to surface and both areas tend to be moist. Why is forearm absorption rate so low? – for all the opposite reasons – surface skin is thick, layer of fat between skin and blood vessels, skin tends to be dry.
  • Explain “The Basics for WHMIS” box. If a person is working with controlled products or any other chemical these are 4 basic things that should be known about the chemical one is working with.
  • Section 6 – WHMIS labels. Read sample “Methanol" label. Ask if participants know what chemical splash goggles look like? Show both pair of goggles and have participants identify which is which. Show and explain difference. Ask what type of rubber gloves should be worn when working with methanol? Where would that information be found? – material safety data sheet
  • Review and discuss each WHMIS class – section 7 to 12. Point out the symbol for each class/division and the hazard/danger associated with each symbol.
  • Class b – section 8 – review types of fire extinguishers
  • When discussing Class D2 – explain that this symbol has the most varied number of hazards of any other WHMIS symbol. Add also “irritant” to this group and explain that an irritant is the safest type of WHMIS product because it does not cause permanent health damage.
  • Review sections that are found in a material safety data sheet.

Hand out – “WHMIS in Your Workplace”

Handout exercise – “What WHMIS symbols should be on this can?”

Quiz – “WHMIS Class Symbols Exercise”

Props: 1 – chemical splash goggles 1 – safety goggles

Material Safety Data Sheet – obtain an MSDS for “toluene”

45 min

Learner Shows you

  • When discussion of manual up to section 12 is completed, handout “What symbols should be on this can?”
  • Answers are Class A, Class B, Class D1, Class D2.
  • Hand out a copy of the MSDS for toluene to participants. Have them work in pairs for this exercise. Have the participants answer the 4 questions found on page 3 of the WHMIS handout in the box called “The Basics for WHMIS”. Instruct the participants to write down the section(s) and page in the data sheet where answers or the information to these four questions is found. Don’t have them write the information out, just identify where in the msds the answers to these 4 questions are found. What you will find, is that to answer these four questions, the whole MSDS will have to be read, because, for example, “What are the hazards?” will be found in a number of sections.
  • Have participants complete the “WHMIS Class Symbols Exercise”.