Pattern, Functions and relationships. It is frequently written that mathematics
is the study of patterns and relationships. Pattern is seen as a wide-ranging concept that
covers patterns encountered all around us, such as those in musical forms, nature, traffic
patterns, etc. It is argued by Senechal (1990) that our ability to recognize, interpret,
and create patterns is the key to dealing with the world around us. The human capacity
for identifying relationships and for thinking analytically undergirds mathematical
thinking. Algebra - beyond symbolic manipulation - provides a tool for representing
relationships between amounts through the use of tables, graphs, symbols, and words.
The ability to generalize and to characterize functions, relationships between variables,
is a crucial gateway to understanding even the most basic economic, political or social
analyses. A basic level numeracy task might require someone to describe how items are
arranged in a package; developing a formula for an electronic spreadsheet would put a
higher level of demand on the individual.
Data and chance. Data and chance encompass two related but separate topics.
Data covers "big ideas" such as variability, sampling, error, or prediction, and related
statistical topics such as data collection, data displays, and graphs. Modern society
demands that adults interpret and produce organizers of data such as frequency tables,
pie charts, graphs and to sort out relevant from irrelevant data. Chance covers "big ideas"
related to probability, subjective probability, and relevant statistical methods. Few things
in the world are 100% certain; thus the ability to attach a number that represents the
likelihood of an instance is a valuable tool whether it has to do with the weather, the
stock-market, or the decision to board a plane. In this mathematical category, a simple
numeracy skill might be the interpretation of a simple pie chart; a more complex task
would be to infer the likelihood of an occurrence, such as predicting the weather, based
upon past information.
Change. This term describes the mathematics of how the world changes around
us. Individual organisms grow, populations vary, prices fluctuate, objects traveling speed
up and slow down. Change and rates of change help provide a narration of the world as
time marches on. Additive, multiplicative, exponential patterns of change can characterize
steady trends; periodic changes suggest cycles and irregular change patterns connect
with chaos theory. Describing weight loss compares as a simple task to calculating
compounded interest.
3.4 Facet 4: Representations of mathematical information
Mathematical information in an activity or a situation may be available or represented
in many forms. It may appear as concrete objects to be counted (e.g., people, buildings,
cars, etc.) or as pictures of such things. It may be conveyed through symbolic notation
(e.g., numerals, letters, and operation or relationship signs). Sometimes, mathematical
information will be conveyed by formulas, which are a model of relationships between
entities or variables.
Mathematical information may be encoded in visual displays such as a diagram or
chart; graphs and tables may be used to display aggregate statistical or quantitative
information (by displaying objects, counting data, etc.). Similarly, a map of a real entity
(e.g., of a city or a project plan) may contain information that can be quantified or