Appendix 2

Scoring for each of the complexity factors

Complexity Factor 1. Type of match/Problem transparency
How difficult is it to identify and decide what action to take? How many literacy skills are required?
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3
In the question and the stimulus, the information, activity or operation required:
  • is clearly apparent and explicit—and all required information is provided
  • is specified in little or no text, using familiar objects and/or photographs or other clear, simple visualizations
  • is about locating obvious information or relationships only
  • closed question—not open-ended
In the question and the stimulus, the information, activity or operation required:
  • is given using clear, simple sentences and/or visualizations where some translation or interpretation is required
  • is located within a number of sources within the text/activity.
  • fairly closed question
In the question and the stimulus, the information, activity or operation required:
  • is embedded in text where considerable translation or interpretation is required and/or
  • may need to be derived or estimated from a number of sources within or outside the text/activity and/or
  • the information or action required is not explicit or specified
  • more complex, open-ended task

Complexity Factor 2. Plausibility of distractors
How many other pieces of mathematical information are present? Is all the necessary information there?
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3
  • no other mathematical information is present apart from that requested—no distractors
  • there is some other mathematical information in the task that could be a distractor
  • the mathematical information given or requested can occur in more than one place
  • may need to bring to the problem simple information or knowledge from outside the problem.
  • other irrelevant mathematical information appears
  • mathematical information given or requested appears in several places.
  • necessary information or knowledge is missing, so outside information or knowledge needs to be brought in

Complexity Factor 5. Expected number of operations
How many steps and types of steps are required?
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3
one operation, action or process application of two or three steps, the same or similar operation, action or process
  • integration of several steps covering more than one different operation, action or process