In your current job, how important is teamwork for accomplishing your tasks?
1 12 I do not work on a team
2 2 Not important
3 12 Somewhat important
4 7 Important
5 18 Very Important
6 13 Extremely Important
N 37 I do not have a job
For the following statements below, mark all that apply.
In the last 12 months, I have taken a formal course(s) on teamwork from an educational institution (school, college, university, institute, etc.)
In the last 12 months, I participated in a training program(s) on teamwork provided by my employer
In the last 12 months, I have received on-the-job training on teamwork from my employer.
In the last 12 months, I have read a book on teamwork.
In the last 12 months, please indicate the types of teams (either
at work or outside of work) you have been a member of (mark all that apply).
1 I have not been
a member of a team during the last 12 months
I have worked on a team where team members reported to or took direction from
a higher-ranking individual on the team.
I have worked on a team where all members were basically the same rank and
one person was elected or appointed as the leader.
I have worked on a team where all members were basically the same rank and
we shared responsibilities for coordinating activities.
I have worked on a team where I was dependent upon other team members doing
their job in order for me to do mine.
I have worked on a team where I could only meet my goals if other team members
met theirs.