Figure 3: Perceived Causes by Disorder

Summary of National Survey Responses

Perceived Causes by Disorder

When asked about probable causes for schizophrenia and depression in a vignette, focus group participants primarily cited psychosocial causes, but were more apt to link schizophrenia with biomedical causes, as seen in Figure 4. Bio-medical explanations for depression (genetics, brain disease, chemical imbalance) emerged more often among seniors but youth were more likely to cite biomedical causal factors for schizophrenia.

Figure 4: Proportion of Youth and Seniors Citing
Biomedical Explanations for Mental Disorders

Focus Group Results

Proportion of Youth and Seniors Citing
Biomedical Explanations for Mental Disorders

In the second series of focus groups, participants identified a variety of potential causes for mental health problems, including environmental causes (early childhood experience, life stress, trauma) and genetics. None of the groups excluded genetics as a causal factor, although initial responses leaned toward psychosocial causes: seven of the ten groups initiated the discussion by listing a range of psychosocial causes and two groups did not mention genetic causes until prompted by the facilitator.