At the collective level, a critical benchmark of the mental heath literacy of Canadian society would be the development and implementation of a multi-faceted national strategy to improve knowledge, understanding and capacity to act to prevent and manage mental disorders. This would include partnership initiatives and programs that engage government and non-governmental organizations, consumers, family members, researchers and others working in the areas of health and mental health. A national strategy would operate across multiple domains simultaneously, with programs designed to:


Partner Engagement

CAMIMH’S research relating to MHL reinforces the fact that the social, health and economic burden of mental illness is a major public health problem for Canadian consumers and our society as a whole. CAMIMH further recognizes that collaborative and sustained strategies and national courses of action are necessary to understand mental health literacy in this country and to formulate public policies and programs which challenge perceptions of mental illness, increase knowledge of mental health issues and provide support to Canadians in need. These investigations will serve as a model and foundation for cross-sector collaboration and relationship building in understanding and ultimately enhancing mental healthy literacy in Canada.

The next stage of this project will be to share project findings with prospective partners across sectors, including existing health prevention/promotion coalitions and alliances, the media, youth, seniors, health care providers, the private sector, other NGOs. This consultation process will focus on the following questions: