The paper was prepared by:
Beverley Bourget
Richard Chenier
for the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH),
under the direction of the CAMIMH Mental Health Literacy Project Steering Committee:
Phil Upshall
Annette Osted
Francine Knoops
Joan Montgomery
Darene Toal-Sullivan
Chris Summerville
Funding for the project was provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada, under the Population Health Fund, as a response to the Chronic Disease - Integrated Approaches to Chronic Disease funding priority.
The national surveys were conducted by COMPAS Research, Inc.
The Project Steering Committee would like to extend its thanks to the Public Health Agency, to CAMIMH members, to Conrad Winn and his associates at COMPAS Research, Inc., and to the Project Evaluator, Neasa Martin, Neasa Martin and Associates, for their engagement in the process and their ongoing support and assistance.