This research was conducted to provide background and an impetus for discussion about good practice in workplace education as Literacy and Basic Skills providers move forward to deliver LBS-like programs in the workplace in Ontario. As such, we researched good practice documents from the international workplace literacy community and talked to practitioners from the field.

Thanks to the educators in Ontario, the United States, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand who gave their input on the many issues related to good practice.

Thanks to the Advisory Committee for the Ontario Literacy Coalition’s Workplace Literacy Projects Raising the Profile of Workplace Literacy and Workplace Literacy Training for their review and comments on this document. The members are:

Suzanne Benoit Coalition francophone pour l’alphabétisation
Kimberly Brooks Dofasco
Cindy Davidson QUILL Network
Dee Goforth Educational Consultant
Florence Guy Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Brigid Hayes National Literacy Secretariat
Nancy Jackson Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Sandy Johnston OLC Learners’ Council
Sande Minke Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Mona Katawne Human Resources Consulting and Outsourcing
Ellen Paterson Ontario Native Literacy Coalition
Karen Rockwell G.O.L.D.
Jane Tuer Project Read Literacy Network
Cheryl Wilson G.O.L.D.

This research is part of OLC’s project Raising the Profile of Workplace Literacy. We acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and the National Literacy Secretariat for this project.

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