Martin Cutts photo
International Plenary Panel:
Plain Language Progress Around the World
United Kingdom & European Union
Martin Cutts  (Panel Chair)

Martin Cutts, Research Director of the U.K.'s Plain Language Commission, has long been at the heart of the plain English movement. Recently he has been working with the Financial Services Authority ( to prepare consumer guides and fact sheets. In 1998, Martin lectured on plain language to European Union officials and politicians in Brussels and Luxembourg and addressed the International Legislative Drafting Institute at Tulane University, New Orleans. In 1997, he gave papers at the Plain Language in Progress conference in Calgary. Also in the 1990s, Martin visited India four times, lecturing and giving courses on plain language; he maintains his links there through occasional consultancy work for consumer groups and insurers. He is the author of several books and many articles about plain English and about plain language in the law. A member of Clarity and the Information Design Association and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Martin graduated from Liverpool University in 1976. He co-founded the U.K.'s Plain English Campaign in 1979.

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