What can you do about low literacy?
- Be aware of the extent of the problem and how it affects the everyday lives of the people you
- When someone is acting inappropriately, remember that low literacy may be a factor in how they’re feeling and behaving. Make sure you are communicating with them clearly, and
remember that the reason for their behaviour may be that they don’t fully understand the
- Remember the 42% of adult Canadians who have trouble reading are found throughout
Canadian society – they live in all the provinces and territories, they belong to all the ethnic
and religious groups, and they are in all income groups.
- Keep in mind that how much education a person has and their literacy don’t always go together – some well-educated people have lost their literacy skills.
- Help to improve relationships with the community by making sure that you communicate
clearly and in a way that works for the people you are in contact with.
- Use tact and consideration to encourage cooperation.
- When you become aware that someone has low literacy skills, refer them to the appropriate
community service agencies.