- Pat Williams – Chung, Toronto District School
Board - Overland Learning Centre
- Michael Witt, McLeod Adult Learning Centre
- Betty Wong, Edmonton Mennonite Centre for
The CCLB greatly appreciates the work of the HRSDC
National Advisory Committee, who spent hours
reviewing the document and providing valuable input
and suggestions to the research team and to the CCLB
on the project. The committee represents a wealth of
experience in both the ESL and Essential Skills fields,
and includes the two project partners, SkillPlan and the
Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council for the
two Essential Skills projects at the CCLB.
- Shelley Bates, Red River College
Program Officer, Language Training Centre
(CLB Expert)
- Judith Bond, Workplace Training & Services Inc.,
Director (CLB and Workplace Training Expert)
- Silvia Dancose, CCLB/ NCLC Project Manager
(FSL expert)
- Carolyn Dieleman, Alberta Human Resources and
Employment, Manager, Language Training (CCLB
Board Member)
- Lynda Fownes, SkillPlan (BC Construction Industry
Skills Improvement Council), Executive Director
(Essential Skills Expert and Project partner)
- Marianne Kayed, CCLB Project Manager, Essential
Skills Projects
- Annette Huton, Human Resources & Skills
Development Canada, Analyst, Essential Skills &
Workplace Literacy Initiative
- Carol MacLeod, Carol MacLeod & Associates,
President (Essential Skills expert)
- Pauline McNaughton, CCLB, Executive Director
- Philip Mondor, Canadian Tourism Human Resource
Council, Vice-President and Director of Development
(Project Partner)
- Dr. Philip Nagy, Department of Curriculum, Teaching
and Learning, OISE/University of Toronto Professor
Emeritus, Measurement and Evaluation
- Gail Stewart, Assessment Consulting Services,
Applied Linguist, CLB Expert,
- Margaret Pidlaski, Immigration and Multiculturalism,
Manitoba Labour & Immigration, Director, Adult
Language Training Branch (CCLB Board member)
Finally, we would like to thank
the following individuals
who have helped guide this publication from start
to finish:
- Rebecca Gowan, the original Project Manager,
who set up the original workplans and coordinated
the efforts of a team located in various regions of
- Christine Dalton and Philip Mondor, (Canadian
Tourism Human Resource Council)
- Mary Waddington (Vancouver Community College)
who supported our activities on this sister project
- Pauline McNaughton, the Executive Director, who
had the vision and belief to initiate the project and
the proposal
- Louise Matte, the original NCLC Project Manager,
who provided invaluable advice and support on use
of the French benchmarks.
- Melanie Boucher and Mark Collings who helped
with arranging translations and production
- Margaret Pidlaski, CCLB Board member for
Manitoba and committee chair
- Carolyn Dieleman, CCLB Board member for
- Giovanna Pirro, CCLB Board member for
- Lynda Fownes and her staff at SkillPlan
- The CCLB Board, whose support and belief in the
potential of this venture have never faltered.
- Harrison Baker and his documentation team at
Ottawa Freelance for their help with graphics,
layout and production of this document.
- Richard Isaac, Alain Lamoureux and the group at
RealDecoy who developed the online database
version of this document.
- Annette Huton (HRSDC), for her advice and
- The CCLB staff for their advice, support and help
promoting this project and keeping us on course
Marianne Kayed,
Project Manager
Ottawa, August 2005