- Brief text that is a paragraph or
longer intended to serve a variety of
- More formal style for an audience
other than co-workers.
- A tone which is appropriate for the
occasion, e.g., friendly, respectful,
authoritative, etc.
- Standard spelling and grammar
(syntax) expected.
- Writing tasks for which templates
or models exist, such as memos and
letters in set formats.
- Content of writing is routine, with
little variation from one instance to
the next.
- Effectively conveys familiar
information in familiar standard
formats. (6)
- Writes one or two paragraph letters
and compositions. (6)
- Constructs coherent paragraphs on
familiar concrete topics with clear
main ideas and some supporting
details and with a developing sense of
audience. (7)
- Fills out job application forms with
comments on previous experience,
abilities and strengths. (6/7)
- Reproduces information received
orally or visually and can take simple
notes from short oral presentations
or from reference materials. (6)
- Conveys information from a table,
graph or chart in a paragraph. (6/7)
- Writes personal letters and simple
routine business letters. (7)
- Writes down everyday phone
messages. (6)
- Takes notes from clear pre-recorded
phone messages. (7)
- Writes estimate sheets to provide
details on cost of materials and labour
required to do a job.
- Writes incident/accident reports,
including detailed description of
- Revises work orders.
- Prepares form letters, memos, notes,
e-mails, including explanations, etc.
- Writes instructions, itineraries, and/or
set of procedures.
- Writes notes in journals to keep track
of conversations, product information,
price calculations and special requests
from customers.
- Writes letters to customers to follow
up on inquiries, explain problems or
provide information.
- Completes a variety of forms,
including descriptions, etc.
- Writes notes to the service manager
to make suggestions on how to
improve a design or how to make
a better repair. These notes may be
several paragraphs long.
- Writes procedures to be followed by
other staff in their absence.
- Enters responses into the survey
instrument. These vary from brief
phrases or numbers to a paragraph or
- Writes reports to supervisors
informing them when decisions
have been made not to deliver mail
because of threats to safety.
- Conveys a personal message in a
formal short letter or note, or email,
expressing or responding to
congratulations, thanks, apology,
an offer assistance, appreciation,
complaint, disappointment, satisfaction,
dissatisfaction and hope. (6/7)
- Takes notes from an oral presentation
(in point-form) or from pre-recorded
longer phone messages on public
information lines or voice mail
messages with many details. (7)
- Writes a short letter of request to
have money returned for a guaranteed
product that did not work to
satisfaction. (6)
- Writes a formal letter/memo to a
supervisor to request a week off
work. (7)
- Writes an outline or a summary of a
longer text. (7)
- Conveys business messages as written
notes to pass on routine information,
make requests, or respond to
recommendations and warnings. (7)
- Fills out moderately complex forms
such as medical history form, straightforward
job application, application for
training. (6/7)
- Gives a detailed description of a
simple process (e.g., the collection,
sorting and distribution of mail at
Canada Post). (6/7)
- Writes a detailed story or reports an
incident based on a series of pictures,
a film clip or a personal experience.
- Describes and compares two simple
science experiments. (6)