Planning checklist for Listening

Checklist for Implementing Workplace Tasks in the ESL Classroom
Content Type What does the task ask the learner to do (recall specific details, respond to questions, summarize key information, compare/contrast, synthesize information, evaluate, other)?
Length How long is the input or exchange?
Vocabulary What vocabulary/idioms/acronyms need to be understood to successfully complete the task?
Structure Task structure Are the task expectations clear?
To what extent are the expectations culturally bound?
Format/genre What is the format of the message (live, video, audio, or other)?
Is the listening task a monologue, transaction or interaction?
Language structure How complex are the language structures in the message?
To what extent does the listener need to understand paralinguistic and cultural cues?
Context Familiarity How routine, predictable and familiar is the task?
Formality What degree of formality is being used?
Performance Conditions What is the quality of the message (volume, speed, accent)?
What degree of learner control is permitted (repetition, clarification, simplification)?
How important is clarity, accuracy, and comprehensibility?
Background information To what extent does the task require the listener to draw upon information / background knowledge not present in the message?
Strategies Method What strategies does the writing task require (in relation to Essential Skills and language)?