The following are two of the sample passages in the book, with the difficult words not found on their new word list underlined (pp. 135-140). The right-hand column gives a few readability statistics, the New Dale-Chall mean cloze score, and reading grade level.
ATOS readability formula for books Researchers at School Renaissance Institute (1999, 2000, Paul 2003) and Touchstone Applied Science Associates produced the Advantage-TASA Open Standard (ATOS) Readability Formula for Books. Their goal was to create an "open" formula that would be available to the educational community free of charge, that would be easy to use, and that could be used with any nationally normed reading tests. The project was perhaps the most extensive study of readability ever conducted. Formula developers used 650 norm-referenced reading tests, 474 million words representing all the text of 28,000 K-12 books read by real students with many published in the previous five years, an expanded vocabulary list, and the reader records of more than 30,000 students who read and tested on 950,000 actual books. The readability formula was part of a computerized system to help teachers conduct a program of guided independent reading to maximize learning gains. Noting the differences in difficulty between samples and entire books, the developers claim this is the first readability formula based on whole books, not just samples. |
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