Issues and Concerns

This section takes 2 to 4 minutes to complete. You are almost finished. There is only one more section after this one.

24. How would you rate the importance of assessment in an adult education program?

High Average Low Very
Checkbox Checkbox Checkbox Checkbox Checkbox

25. What type to assessment tools would you like to see developed in the future? Use the space below to describe how this tool would meet your needs. (e.g. I need a user friendly tool that assesses the decoding skills and processes of beginning readers.)

26. In your opinion, what is the most critical or burning issue pertaining to assessment that needs to be addressed within your jurisdiction or at a national level?

27. May we contact you to explore this issue further?

Checkbox Yes
Checkbox No


This is the last section. It takes 2 minutes to complete.

28. What is your gender?

Female Male
Checkbox Checkbox

29. What is your age?

18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74
Checkbox Checkbox Checkbox Checkbox Checkbox Checkbox