Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. List of Tables
  4. List of Figures
  5. Chapter 1: Focus and Framing
    1. Steps toward Labour Market Attachment
      1. Self-assessment and Advising
      2. Assessment of Essential and Technical Skills
      3. Counselling and Goal Setting
      4. Referral
      5. Essential or Technical Skills Training, or Both
      6. Recognition
    2. Opportunity
    3. Significance of the Opportunity
    4. Systems Analysis
    5. Organizational Context
  6. Chapter 2: Literature Review
    1. Framework for Linking Employment to Life Conditions
      1. Personal Growth through Employment
      2. Examples of levels on the spiral
        1. Beige: Safety and Basic Needs
        2. Purple: Group Belonging
        3. Red: Respect and Self-Awareness
        4. Blue: Authority and Order
        5. Orange: Money and Strategy
        6. Green: Environment Awareness
        7. Yellow: Self and System Integration
    2. Employment Counselling
    3. Employment Systems
    4. Rural and northern Work–Life Conditions
    5. Aboriginal Employment Seekers
    6. Summary
  7. Chapter 3: Conduct of the Action Research Project
    1. Research Approach
    2. Project Participants
    3. Research Method
      1. Data Gathering Tools
      2. Research Conduct
    4. Data Analysis
    5. Ethical Considerations
      1. Respect for Dignity
      2. Respect for Free and Informed Consent
      3. Respect for Vulnerable Persons
      4. Respect for Privacy and Confidentiality
      5. Respect for Justice and Inclusiveness
      6. Balancing Harms and Benefits
      7. Minimizing Harm
      8. Maximizing Benefits