Connectedness Series

The Series publishes analytical studies and research reports in the broad area of Connectedness. This includes cross-economy activities, such as the penetration and use of the Internet and electronic commerce, as well as industries in the Information and Communications Technologies sector, such as telecommunications, broadcasting and Internet services. It offers a statistical perspective in these emerging phenomena that are transforming the economic and societal landscape.

All papers are subject to peer and institutional review, as well as review by subject matter experts, as necessary. They are distributed to Statistics Canada Regional Offices, Provincial and Territorial Focal Points and are also available on the Internet.

The Series is produced by: Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division

Director: Fred Gault

For further information: Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division R.H. Coats Building, 7-L Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OT6 Telephone: (613) 951-2581 Facsimile: (613) 951-9920

Aussi disponible en français

Note of appreciation Canada owes the success of its statistical system to a long-standing partnership between Statistics Canada, the citizens of Canada, its businesses, governments and other institutions. Accurate and timely statistical information could not be produced without their continued cooperation and goodwill.