This internal voice can be the result of years of feeling inadequate or not good enough. I wanted to use the exercise to open up a discussion around how it felt to take part in the exercise itself, and to demonstrate that others may notice or feel things about the women that they did not necessarily recognize or feel toward themselves. The exercise was foreign to some as they were unused to hearing positive things stated about themselves in this manner. Two of the women were embarrassed by the activity, and perhaps even suspicious as to whether or not the comments were "true." Their embarrassment was evident through body language, covering their face, blushing, and repeating phrases such as: Oh I am not pretty! You think I have nice eyes? Hmm. My grandpa always said I had eyes like a raccoon. Sweet? Well maybe here I am sweet, but not at husband wouldn't think I am so sweet. Although these were the reactions of some, by the end of the session each of the women seemed genuinely touched by the results. We spoke about the appropriateness of delivering compliments, and of the difficulties someone may have in receiving a compliment, particularly if she has a poor self-concept. Well, I am surprised to hear such nice things; maybe now I will think differently. I never knew someone might think of me as pretty. Awareness of Comfort ZonesThrough movement, singing, poetry, writing, drawing, painting, beadwork and group interaction, project participants were able to explore new learning methods, see and reflect upon how an experience felt, and feel different emotions. While some activities were uncomfortable for some group members, participants became aware of their personal comfort zone through the experience. Talking through and sharing fears, ideas and beliefs about personal comfort zones was helpful to participants who may not have considered why they held certain assumptions about these activities. Discussing feelings of discomfort alleviated some of the tension in those who felt fear when an exercise was presented. Acknowledging the "right to pass" without any further explanation allowed the women to refrain from sharing and not feel a need to defend their choice. |
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