The community where the conference was held is smaller than Hanna. I was expecting a relaxed, intimate conference but really knew little of what to expect, having never been there before. Arriving at the conference I was surprised and delighted to see how grand everything was. Women had arrived from near and far and the atmosphere was electric. A beautifully decorated hall was set for over 100 people. Linens, lights, flowers and sound welcomed us as we entered. The conference had already exceeded my expectations and it hadn't even yet begun. First on the agenda was the welcoming and an address on women's health issues. Next was a presentation on Brain Gym23 which included an explanation of ways in which stress inhibits learning— this was directly relevant for the women in the project group. The Brain Gym presentation also included participation in exercises that the speaker demonstrated. Most of the exercises could be performed while seated, although one or two required the audience to stand and interact with one another. The movement activities in the larger group setting of the conference seemed to be a stretch for some of the women in the project group. The quick exchange of glances told me that they were uncomfortable with the idea of movement in this setting. I was thankful the women had at least some familiarity with movement through the exercises we had tried in our sessions. Following the presentation, we were treated to a delicious lunch where door prizes, giveaways and casual conversation provided a break from the formal presentation. Gauging the mood and body language of the women, I was pleased to note that despite four hours of conference activities, they were still alert, interested and responsive to their surroundings. The final speaker was entertaining and inspiring. She spoke on inner beauty, self confidence, assertiveness, bravery in the face of despair, blessings, and suggestions for following a light-hearted approach to infuse joy into daily living. She also spoke of "wondrous western women" who had overcome hardship and found creative solutions, and of the leadership skills and strengths they needed to succeed in their lives. It was fascinating how the presentation connected with the project participants. Many of them waited afterwards for a chance to visit with the speaker and purchase a copy of her book. 23 Brain Gym is a series of movements that can be used to encourage wholebrain learning. For more information, refer to Dennison and Dennison, 1994. |
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