
My intentions for the project had been to offer women opportunities to see themselves in a new light; to learn and experience new things; to learn to recognize their positive qualities; to grow and stretch— possibly beyond their comfort zones—to explore their thoughts, feelings, and emotions; to recognize and respond to their own voice; to respect themselves and their life experiences; and to place a higher value on themselves after being a part of the group.

Through all of the project interactions I was confident I had accomplished what I had set out to do. I had offered the women the time, space, resources and materials to explore their thoughts and feelings, in a controlled setting, with appropriate boundaries and supports. I am hopeful the women will now find a way to apply the practices and methods we tried to their individual lives, without the group, and to use the overall experience to move forward in their lives.

Being a part of the group, I learned firsthand that although we come from all walks of life, we are much the same. Our desires, wants and needs are often very similar. We want to provide for our children; we wish for good health and well-being for ourselves and our loved ones; and we all want to be recognized, valued, heard and respected. We all want to have the opportunity to learn new things, we all want to feel safe, and yet we want to have others recognize our strengths. I have learned that no matter what the life circumstance, we are all women first and we all want to have a voice.

I have met brave women who are exploring the outer edge of human possibility, with no history to guide them, and with the courage to make themselves vulnerable that I find moving beyond words.
— Gloria Steinem