Appendix A:
Questions to Prompt Reflection
A. Intake Inventory
- Why did you come to the literacy program?
- How can the literacy program
help you?
- What are you interested in learning?
- What grade did you complete in
- Did you enjoy school? Why? Why not?
- What do you hope to learn here?
- What are your goals?
- How long do you think it will take you to reach
your goals?
- Name one thing you have trouble doing.
- Name one thing you do really
- Think of a particular skill you want to learn. Will
you learn best by: watching, listening, doing,
Invite participants to complete one or more of the
following sentence starters:
- I am
- I know
- I feel
- I never
- I love
- I worry
- I wonder
- I hope
- I wish
- I am thankful for