12. Strategies for whole-brain learning and focusing


These activities went very well. They were a break from the intensity of the discussions. I added a new focusing exercise: stand on the left foot, make a clockwise circle with the right foot, and trace number 6 in the air with the right hand. Very difficult!

Provide a handout of Brain Gym and focusing exercises. (See Promislow, 1998.) Demonstrate some exercises and invite participants to try them.

13. Strategies for tutors

Show the overhead Strategies for Tutors. Discuss.

14. Community resources

Hand out cards and pamphlets about resources in the community such as the Samaritans, Kids Phone, shelters and AADAC (Alberta Alcohol and Drug Commission).

15. Closing Show the overhead

Believe in your Students. Stress the importance of small accomplishments in students' lives.

Workshop Evaluation

To evaluate the workshop in Pincher Creek, I asked participants to write about what worked for them, what did not work for them, and what could be done differently next time.

The most common comment about "what worked" had to do with the group work and interaction: Comments about that included:

You got us all involved
Good conversation and interaction
Listening to the comments of others
Groups seemed to work well
Balance between small group / large group was good.