Four Quadrant Learning
Mental learning:
I read books and research articles
and wrote notes
and reflections on learning. I was amazed to find many
authors writing about integrity, emotional honesty,
intuition, health, fitness, spirituality and the relationship
between emotions and memory in books geared to
the business community as well as to educators.
Physical learning:
I began yoga
lessons, learned Brain Gym exercises and spent time walking outdoors.
I started drinking
at least eight glasses of water a day and became
more careful about nutrition (okay, most of the time).
Emotional learning:
Reading about abuse and seeing some of my own past
reflected in others' stories
sometimes brought back old pain. Writing my reactions to readings
was a challenge when feelings were raw, yet by doing so
I began to make connections to my own deeply
buried memories and beliefs and see the link
between them and decisions I have made
throughout my life.
Spiritual learning:
Integrity—acting (or not acting)
on our most basic values—is spiritual. There is a spiritual dimension
to changing harmful attitudes and beliefs. Honesty
and kindness are spiritual. Learning to empathize
with student stories (finally, I could listen instead of
cringe) felt spiritual. |
Personal Study Generates Personal Data
To observe personal changes, I kept
a journal about work with students and events in my personal life. I
observed the ways I
taught students, their reactions to new methods and behavior, and
changes in their learning. I recorded what was done and how it
affected me.
I also took notes on the books and papers I read to inform my
learning. Sometimes reading took me back to long-buried
memories I'd have preferred to left covered. It helped to write in my
journal about the incidents and feelings engendered and look at
them calmly—as though they involved someone else—and attempt to see
what I'd learned or what I believed as the result of past events. Activities
were especially
helpful at such times: dancing,
singing or yoga lightened my mood, and Brain Gym exercises
helped me focus. |