During the VALTA workshops, we tried to pay attention to all these elements of the environment. Each workshop was held in a different setting—a retreat centre, a penthouse room with a panoramic view of Edmonton's river valley, a rustic lodge in the Rocky Mountain foothills, and a light-filled hotel suite. We balanced the lower cost of the retreat centre with the cost of the lodge, arranged a special rate for the penthouse, and were gifted with the use of the suite so that we could experience "abundance" while staying within budget. We brought flowers and afghans and took care to arrange the rooms to appeal to our senses and our comfort. We encouraged participants to reflect on the effect of their surroundings and to consider how to create a nurturing environment to encourage students and practitioners in their programs to bring the whole self to learning. We also encouraged participants to think about how to introduce these elements into their own environments for online and independent learning during the course. Use Creative ApproachesCreative approaches such as visual arts, music, creative writing, movement and visualization can support bringing the whole person to learning by drawing on different ways of knowing. For learners in literacy programs who have come to believe their minds do not work well, creative approaches can draw on other strengths and lead to insightful reflection that may have been limited due to mistreatment and deprivation. Creative approaches can also be a fun variation from the usual, and so hold attention and interest or provide a break from challenging mental learning. Because creative approaches may be unfamiliar and surrounded with messages about who is a "real" singer, artist or writer, they can also be intimidating and challenging. It is important to focus on process, rather than product, and with sensitivity to participants' fears of being shamed and embarrassed. For those who regularly escape from their body into the mind, an invitation back into the body can also be scary. |
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