The philosophy they were working with was very important. Bringing the whole self to learning—singing, breathing, creativity—helped people to relax but also to be very focused. And it was fun. Given the topic, it could have been very different. But it was a hopeful, encouraging, motivating experience.

By participating in the workshop, we learned how much easier it is to learn when we did not feel threatened in any way. For example, nothing we said was ever put down, options were given if we felt uncomfortable in a situation and, as a result, we formed a very comfortable group. It was much easier to focus on learning in this situation.

The workshop offered the opportunity to see face-to-face where people were coming from. This was important, especially with the sensitive nature of what we're doing. We were talking about the sort of topics where 'Aha' moments are slow clarity that dawns on you. The biggest thing that happened was awareness—you can see that it makes sense. Things that I've seen through my lifetime and now I'm connecting the dots. You become aware of how big the issue is and see that there are people willing to get down and dirty and deal with it. It's inspiring and makes me want to be one of them. We were learning from what we already know.

The workshop was incredibly important in providing us with a sense of cohesion and defining a sense of purpose. The face-to-face thing was important because we could carry on online after that. The workshop helped us to understand that the support was there in each other and in the facilitators. It was easier to talk freely after we had established a safe environment. The way it was facilitated was really important—they were practicing what they were preaching. They modeled the idea of bringing the whole self to learning. It was a totally good experience—a great way to start. I sang all the way home.

2. Online Course

The online course was experienced as an invaluable means of exchanging and building on ideas. Participants appreciated the opportunity to engage in dialogue around the readings and to deepen the discussion over time. As noted above, the relationships formed in the workshops meant that participants could be more open and authentic in seeking and offering input online. Most participants indicated that they had enjoyed the readings. However, there was substantial agreement that the reading load was too heavy. Even though participants were aware that they were not required to read all of the articles, many felt that they were not doing justice to themselves or to the Project if they did not complete the readings and as a result, they felt caught in a dilemma.

The online component of the course is magic. We talk to each other, toss out ideas, and it's amazing to see the different perspectives on reading and learning.

The online connection was wonderful. Without it, we would go back into our projects and get isolated. It was an excellent form of communication.