Literacy PartnersToday, people are more aware of literacy problems than ever before. Different kinds of groups have joined in the effort to improve Canadians' abilities to read and write. Labour unions, governments, businesses, schools, social service agencies and community groups are all playing a part in bringing literacy programs to the people who need and want them. Community agencies can encourage people who might benefit from literacy training to enrol in the programs that are available, but there will always be people who cannot read and write well. Until we succeed in making low literacy less widespread in Canada, we can work at making it less of an issue, something people don't have to be ashamed of. Everyone deserves access to the services they need. When workers and the people they serve communicate well, we all benefit. We hope that this booklet and Part 2 will make your job a little easier. Together, you and the people you serve can help take down the wall of words that can keep us from understanding each other. Literacy Coalitions and NetworksAll Canadian provinces and territories, and many cities, have literacy coalitions and networks. These organizations can let you know about the range of literacy training options available in your area. They may also be able to help you inform your workers and volunteers about literacy and to make your services accessible to people who don't read and write well. For up-to-date listings of literacy agencies in your province and community, refer to the National Adult Literacy Database (NALD) web site at In Part 2, Taking Down the Wall of Words: A Handbook for Community Agencies, community organizations can find more information on:
This book is for community agency board members, volunteers, and staff who want to know how they can make their organization's services more accessible to people with low literacy skills. Workers can also find out how they can be a vital link between literacy training programs and the people who could benefit from them. Copyright © 1990 by the John Howard Society of Canada. All rights reserved. This booklet may be reproduced, provided that credit to the author is retained. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication DataMain entry under title: Taking down the wall of words Issued also in French under title: Faire tomber la barrière de l'écrit. Contents: v. 1. Community agencies and literacy. ISBN 0969319665 (v. 1) 1. Literacy-Canada. 2. Human services Information services-Canada. 3. Community organization-Canada. 4. Literacy programs--Canada. I. John Howard Society of Canada LC154.T34 1990 302.2'244'0971 C900905654 Cover art work by David W. Jones, Ottawa. Published by: |