- Labour relations have not kept up with the changing requirements of manufacturing.
In the opinion of many manufacturing executives, there is too much of
a command and control mind set on the part of unions and an inflexible
mentality of the part of
- In some companies, skilled workers are not accessible because of union priority lists.
Union inflexibility is cited as a constraint on improving flexibility by 12% of the
companies participating in CME’s 2004 Management Issues Survey.
- Workers frequently tend to be focused more on process than on results. They need to be
more adaptable and focused on outcomes for customers.
- Some manufacturers are uncertain about how to diversify away from traditional competencies
and still get their personnel requirements right.
- The culture of our workforce is one of individualism versus the “working together” culture
of Asia. There is a lack of orientation toward collaboration.
- Many managers are unprepared for change, and often do a poor job in preparing other workers
for change.