Other resources

This is only a list of some of the resources mentioned in this guide. There are many more resources available at libraries and Canada Employment Centers.

Labour market information
Job Futures BC: An Occupational Outlook to 1995, published by Employment and Immigration Canada and the BC Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology in 1989. You can find this book in some CECs, libraries and in college student service areas.

Video Tape of Women in Trades and Technology Information Session at BCIT, Oct. 19, 1992. Available from BCIT Student Services or from Kate Pelletier (see page 42). This tape has Rosalyn Kunin talking about the job market as well as women in the trades and technologies talking about their jobs.

Women in trades and technologies
Building the Future: Profiles of Canadian Women in Trades by Kate Braid is published by Labour Canada. Available in some libraries and CECs. Also available free from Publication Distribution Centre, Labour Canada, Ottawa, Ont K1A 0J2, 819-994-0543.

Jobstories: I Like the Money, I Like the Work by Donna Stewart and Bev Bradshaw was published by the Learning Resources Society in 1990. This book tells the stories of women in British Columbia who make good money in growth occupations. If your library doesn't have it, you or they can order for $19.95 plus $5.00 handling charge per order from Learning Resources, #102-2511 E. Hastings St., Vancouver, V5K 1Z2, 251-7476.

Immigrant women
Recognizing the Credentials of Immigrant Women, by Shukrieh R. Merlet, 1989. Available from Surrey-Delta Immigrant Services Society, 13719-72nd Ave. Surrey, V3W 2P2, telephone 597-8751.

New Comers' Guide to Resources and Services in BC, 1991. Available from Multicultural Programs, Suite 902-865 Hornby St., Vancouver, V6Z 2G3. It is best to send a written request but you can also phone. Local calls 660-2395. For toll free calls ask the operator for Zenith 2863.

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