CANADIAN WOMAN STUDIES is a feminist quarterly which was founded with the goal of making current writing and research on a wide variety of feminist topics accessible to the largest possible community of women. During our nine years of publication we have attempted to create a forum in which all of us - not only university women - can exchange our ideas, personal experiences, expertise and creativity. By demystifying our communications with one another we are actively working towards serving as a middle ground between the scholarly and the popular, between theory and activism. We welcome experiential articles and essays; book, art and film reviews; and creative work. Our key criteria for accepting material for publication are clarity, interest to the lives of our diverse readership, and thematic relevance. While we do not restrict our always-expanding sense of what makes a contribution 'feminist' - we strive for a presentation of different perspectives - we will not publish writing that is sexist, racist, homophobic or in any other way discriminatory. We particularly welcome French-language contributions and manuscripts in both languages that deal with issues pertaining to the lives of women of colour, immigrant women, working class women, lesbians and other marginalized women LES CAHIERS DE LA FEMME est une publication trimestrielle dont le but est de rendre les Etudes de la Femme et des mouvements féministes, tant sur le plan de la recherche que de l'écriture, accessibles au plus grand nombre possible de femmes. Au cours des huit années de notre existence, nous avons tente de créer une tribune ou nous pouvons toutes - non pas exclusivement les universitaires - échanger nos idées, nos expériences personnelles, notre compétence et notre créativité. En démystifiant les rapports entre nous, nous voulons servir de lien entre l'académique et le populaire, entre la théorie et le militantisme. Nous encourageons la soumission d'articles et d'essais dans les domaines reliés aux arts, des critiques de livres, de cinéma ou d'exposition, ainsi que de courtes oeuvres de fiction et des poèmes. Les critères de publication portent principalement sur la clarté d'expression et l'intérêt que peut susciter le sujet choisi tout autant que la recherche et l'originalité des thèmes traités par l'auteure. Bien que les cahiers de la femme n'oeuvrent pas sur un terrain limite en ce qui concerne une publication dite féministe, nous visons a élaborer dans des sphères qui respectent les différentes perspectives des études de la femme. II est entendu que nous ne publierons pas des textes sexistes, racistes, anti-gais ou discriminatoires. EDITOR/MANAGING EDITOR: Elizabeth Brady FOUNDING EDITOR AND PUBLISHER: Shelagh Wilkinson ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS: Elaine Sivcoski (Circulation) and Carol Greene (Promotion/Production) MANUSCRIPT SELECTION GROUP (this issue): Betsy Alkenbrack, Betty Butterworth, Rita Cox, Jenny Horsman, Leslie Sanders and Gladys Watson BOOK REVIEW EDITOR (ENGLISH): Frances Beer
FRENCH EDITORIAL BOARD: Sylvie Arend, Gail Brandt, Lorraine Gauthier, Diane Gerin-Lajoie, Christine Klein-Lataud, Marie-France Silver EDITORIAL BOARD: Fran Beer, Elizabeth Brady, Eleanor Dudar, Maria Jacobs, Helen Lucas, Meg Luxton, Marion Lynn Colby, Eimear O'Neill, Luciana Ricciutelli, Margo Rivera, Shelagh Wilkinson REGIONAL EDITORS: West Coast - Christine St. Peter, Milnor Alexander, Etta Connor, Marian Dodds, Mahinder Doman, Jane Gaskell, Ruth Harding, Stella Lord, Mary Martin, Danielle Thaler. Prairies - Janice Williamson. We are in the process of putting together an East Coast editorial group. We welcome volunteers to our Regional Boards. ADVISORY BOARD: Shirley Davy, University of Toronto; Margaret Fulton, Halifax; Esther Green glass, York University; Doug Light, George Brown College, Toronto; Senator Lorna Marsden, University of Toronto; Sybil Shack, Winnipeg; Mair Verthuy, Concordia University, Montreal. PRODUCTION: (TYPESETTING/LAYOUT) Carol Greene;
PRINTING/BINDING: Signet Graphics |
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