Appendix F: Summary of GBA Evaluations

Evaluation #1

  1. What do you think should be the next steps following this dialogue?

    I've barely scratched the surface of understanding and applying a GBA. What I need is a checklist of questions that I could ask myself when we're making changes to our program.

  2. Did you find this format for discussion to be one that was readily accessible? Was the registration process user-friendly? Did you feel comfortable/safe expressing your views in this kind of on-line dialogue format? Did it meet the needs of diverse groups of women?

    This is discussion #2 for me. I like the medium, found the sign-up simple and clear.

  3. Was this a good time of year to hold this kind of dialogue? Was three weeks enough time to participate and to discuss the main issues?

    Time of year was fine but 3 weeks is too short. Five or six weeks would be better for me. I'm a slow thinker. I take a long time to read everything that is written. I take more time to spit some thinking back out.

  4. Did you find this dialogue useful?

    Yes. New subject for me. Or new name to old idea. Makes me look at my own dedication to women's abilities. Do I let the norm continue? Do I notice?

  5. What did you learn from this dialogue?

    Women everywhere are working to enable women.

  6. Do you think that you will be able to apply what you have learned from this dialogue in your work/life?

    Yes. I'll pick out a simple plan, perhaps the summary Dana wrote. I'll use it like a checklist.

  7. What do you think needs to be done to improve gender-based analysis as a tool?

    For me, make it be known. Improve the dissemination of GBA tools.

  8.    Did   you   find   the   on-line   resources   that   we   distributed   useful?

    I've copied some but haven't looked art them yet.

  9. Has your view of gender-based analysis changed as a result of this dialogue? If so, in what way (s)?

    Yes, I've already said; awareness, new information.

  10. What didn't you like about this dialogue process?

    Too short. Lots of alphabet talk. Sounded like women talking to people whose decisions affect women instead of talking to women.

  11. What did you like most?

    Knowing women are teaching powerful people to provide for women when they rule, design, or supply public-funded or private services.

Evaluation # 2

I did sign in to the discussion briefly on one occasion but was not able to find it again at the site to review the dialogue or add comments. Is there a location where the content can still be viewed?

In terms of evaluation, the time frame of opportunity to participate in cyber-dialogue should be longer and reminders to the invitation list could be repeated more frequently. I have had one other experience with theme dialogue on line and share the following for your information. There is heavy competition for viewer attention and scheduled dialogue is more valuable if there are facilitators on line to expand and bridge the commentary and involve
the viewers and animate the discussion.

Sorry to have missed the bulk of the event!

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