Appendix B: Invitation to Participate

You Are Invited!

To: Take part in an on-line discussion
About: Why Gender-Based Analysis?
When: Starting on Thursday, Feb. 15th until Wednesday, March 7th
Moderator: Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women (CCLOW)

How to Get There:

If you are already registered with Alphacom, you can go directly to the Alphacom discussions button on the website. Click on "English Public" discussions and then on "Why Gender-Based Analysis?

If this is your first time taking part in an on-line discussion hosted by Alphacom, you will first need to go to the web address. Click on Alphacom. To take part in the on-line discussions, you will then need to register by filling in the registration form provided. The website will also give you instructions to find out if you have the software necessary to participate in the discussion. Once you have registered, click on the Alphacom discussions button on the website. Then click on "English Public" discussions and select the "Why Gender-Based Analysis" discussion.

If you do not have access to the internet:

Send us a fax number and your name and we will send you faxed copies of the discussion. If you send us your comments by fax we can also make sure that your comments are included in the discussion.

If you cannot access the website readily for any reason:

Let us know and we will send you email copies of the discussion. If you email us your comments and responses we will also make sure that your comments are also included in the discussion. Please let us know if you require the email summaries to be in text only format.

Topics for Discussion:
Overall: Why Gender-Based Analysis?

Feb. 15 - 21:

What is gender-based analysis? What kinds of tools does it give us? What does it do? What values does it assume? Why use it?

Feb. 22 -28:

Gender Based Analysis: Who is using it? Which tools are you using? Sharing of success stories and frustrations.

Mar. 1- 7:

What works? What doesn't work? How can we fix it?

You can take part in the whole discussion or pick and choose the topics that interest you the most.

Who is Invited:

Members of any Canadian based women's or community based organization and interested individuals. There will be a similar dialogue hosted in French at a later date.

If you want to participate:

Register directly on the Alphacom discussion page of the Alphaplus website and please send us an email or fax confirmation to let us know that you are interested so that we can follow up with you. Contact: or fax: 416- 927-7123

If you have any technical problems:

You can call 1-800-788-1120 between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to ask for help. If you still have trouble, please let us know by either emailing us at or phone us at 416-927-1937.

Come and join us from February 15 to March 7. Let us know what you think and how we can make gender based analysis work for women.

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