BIBLIOGRAPHIE Organisme de bienfaisance Matas, Robert - "A Taxing Problem for Revenue Canada" in The Globe and Mail, 2 décembre 1994. Lignes directrices de Revenu Canada, Accises et Impôts - «Enregistrer votre organisme de bienfaisance aux fins de l'impôt sur le revenu». Don en milieu de travail Howe, Matt - "Competition is Good for Non-Profits Too" - The Main Progressive, décembre 1992. National Committee of Responsive Philanthropy - "A Special Report on Workplace Giving" - Automne 1990. The Conference Board - "The Future of Workplace Giving" - 1994. Collaboration Audet et Rostami - «Stratégies de partenariat pour l'investissement communautaire» Durland, Steve - "Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match., Collaboration as a Means to Audience Diversity" - Gist and The Arts, automne 1991, Volume 5, n° 2. Collecte de fonds Kinnon, Dianne - "Beyond the Bakesale Fundraising in Feminist Organizations A Policy Discussion Paper" - Novembre 1985. Klein, Kim - "Confessions of a Feminist Fundraiser" - Ms. Magazine, novembre/décembre 1991. Lederer, Laura - "Finding Strategies for the '90s" - Ms. Magazine, novembre/décembre 1991. Rosso, Henry, A. (et associés) - "Achieving Excellence in Fundraising" - Jossey-Bass Inc., 1991. Opérations spéculatives King, Larry, Pell, David, MacAdam, Murray - "A Strategy for Community Economic Development" - Community Business Centre, 1994. |
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