Features |
La loi sur la formation nationale a été
adoptée par le Parlement. Bien qu'il soit actuellement difficile de
juger précisément quel sera son impact sur les femmes, on peut
déjà entrevoir que ce texte législatif sera peu
bénéfique pour toutes celles qui ont besoin d'une formation
professionnelle, et qu'il ferme de nombreuses portes d'accès aux emplois
bien rémunères, traditionellement réservés aux
Un seul organisme féminin, le CCPEF, avait
présenté des recommandations au Comité directeur
parlementaire de la main-d'oeuvre, de l'emploi et de l'immigration quant
à ce projet de loi. Aucune des recommandations du CCPEF n'a
été retenue par les législateurs.
NOW? by Susan McCrae Vander Voet
In June, 1982, CCLOW was informed that we could make a
presentation to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour, Manpower &
Immigration -- on only 36 hours notice before the event. We kept in mind that
no other women's groups or organizations would be presenting briefs; it was
critically important for women's assessment of the act to be heard. We had
contacted both the CACSW and Status of Women Departments in early Spring to
find out what they were doing to assess the impact on women of this important
piece of legislation. Alas, they had not even heard of it. CCLOW thus made its
presentation to the committee with the expectation that little attention would
be paid to our analysis and recommendations. As it turned out, we were
absolutely right. The act was passed without our recommendations
Until the administrative regulations governing the Act see the
light of day, it is not possible to calculate a total assessment of their
impact on women's training opportunities. Our presentation to the committee was
based on the background papers to the National Training Program released by
CEIC in January, the Act itself and an understanding of women's learning needs.
Our overall judgment is that the new package (Act and Program) offers little to
meet women's learning needs. In fact, it removes many of the re-entry points
and programs which women have accessed in the past on the arduous journey to
well paid employment. Doors are being closed: those still open are harder to
get through. A case in point is described in this issue's article on Action
Travail des Femmes in Montreal. One of the few doors left open in the National
Training Program is trades training, as many trades have been designated high
priority National Occupations. Women's access to trades training has been
traditionally blocked, but never more clearly than in the case documented by
Action Travail des Femmes. The Montreal group's decision, to lay a complaint
against CEIC before the Human Rights Commission takes on even greater
importance in clearing the way for women to have access to trades training.
Although CCLOW's presentation failed to make an impact on the
National Training Act, we will continue to push the points we raised and to be
vigilant to the overt and covert sex discrimination in its implementation.
CCLOW's recommendations stand as a matter of public record. The report is as
Presentation to Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labor,
Manpower and Immigration by The Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities
for Women, June 17, 1982. |