Le programme se proposait de développer chez les
étudiantes les connaissances en informatique et en mathématique,
ainsi que les aptitudes à effectuer des recherches et à formuler
des solutions. Son but ultime était de former les participantes au
milieu professionnel contemporain, où l'ordinateur et les technologies
connexes règnent en maîtres.
Les femmes inscrites à ce programme avaient, au
départ, de solides connaissances générales. Toutes avaient
terminé leurs études secondaires et trois quarts d'entre elles
avaient fait des études postsecondaires. Le programme a remporté
un vif succès. Très peu d'inscrites ont abandonné (50 sur
55 ont remis au professeur leur projet de fin d'étude) et la plupart ont
assisté au cours avec assiduité. L'auteur du rapport attribute ce
succès à plusieurs facteurs: souplesse des heures d'étude,
étude en petits groupes, esprit de collaboration, enseignement concret,
progression individuelle, et acquisition des connaissances fondée sur
l'expérience personnelle.
WOMEN: Contemporary Careers, Ryerson Polytechnical
Institute January - June, 1983.
by Sandy Campbell Budden
This program was designed to enable women to build skills in
computers, math, research and problem solving; to acquire knowledge of the
special features of the contemporary work world created by computers and allied
technologies and to develop an attitude to learning and change that could best
be described as pro-active rather than reactive. The opportunity to develop
these skills and knowledge was provided in the belief that students would then
have the tools with which to come to a personal definition of the changing
nature of the contemporary work world and the role they would play in it.
This 110 hours program was delivered over a 6 month period:
students met for a 3 hour weekly meeting and attended 7 day-long Saturday
workshops. Half of course time was formally designated for skill learning; half
for knowledge and action planning.
The student population was a sophisticated one. All of the
women had completed high school and nearly 3/4 had acquired some post secondary
education. The ages of the students ranged from 21 to 60 with the largest
cluster of students being in the 30 to 39 year age range. About half of the
students were in the paid lab our force.
The success of the program was demonstrated by the very low
drop-out rate and high regular attendance. 55 students began the program in
January and 50 completed their final project at the end of the program. In
addition, the written feedback provided by the students indicated that the
program goals were being accomplished. There has been no follow-up study of the
students to date.
I believe that the following factors were among those that were
helpful accomplishing the program goals. |