The problems with the regulations regarding pregnancy are
obvious. Even though firing orimage layoff is prohibited,
enforcement procedures do not require reinstatement. The women has no right to her job and at best can expect six months wages and entitlements. Also, the woman must prove that she was dismissed solely because of pregnancy which often is very difficult to do. By contrast, BC legislation considers the dismissal of a pregnant employee to be the result of that pregnancy unless the employer can prove otherwise. Further, if a pregnant employee has no sick leave benefits and misses work because she is pregnant, she can be fired for failure to perform her duties.

Sexual Harassment
The Alberta Human Rights Commission (AHRC) considers sexual harassment to be discrimination on the basis of sex and therefore sexual harassment contravenes the Individual Rights Protection Act. If you are being sexually harassed at work, you can either file a complaint with the AHRC, sue in small claims court, or lay criminal charges. Past surveys indicate that as much as 80 to 90 percent of women in the labour force have experienced sexual harassment at some time. In Alberta that would represent as many as 450,000 women.

Sexual harassment is an expression of power and violence. It is not to be confused with mutually acceptable bantering or flirtation. Sexual harassment is unwanted and aggressive and, as an expression of power, it is practiced with little regard for appearance or behavior. Any woman can be a victim of sexual harassment, regardless of age, race, marital status, social standing or sexual orientation.

Large numbers of working women in Alberta are employed in sectors which are still primarily non-unionized. There have been a few successes in recent years in organizing in the retail sector, but on the whole women in these jobs, as well as the service sector, remain outside the union movement.

Through unionization, women can use the collective bargaining process to gain some control over their wages, benefits, job security and other working conditions. Membership in a union can offer women some protection in the labour force. For example, the wage gap between men and women is narrower among unionized workers, and collective agreements may provide longer maternity leave or higher maternity benefits than those established by labour laws. As well, unions provide a grievance procedure, which is faster, cheaper and often more effective than remedies through the legal system. Together women can fight more effectively for their rights and important gains can be won to the benefit of all workers. It is the right of every worker to join a union and to participate in its lawful activities. Exceptions include those workers employed in a confidential or managerial capacity, or members of the medical, dental, architectural, engineering or legal professions who are qualified to practice under laws of the province and who are employed in their professional capacity. If you discuss union business on your employer's time, you can be fired.

Employer anti-union campaigns in sectors where women predominate, such as banking, have been powerful and effective. It is important to note that your employer is prevented by law from interfering with the formation.

continued on page 21

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