Les programmes destinés aux femmes devront comprendre à l'avenir des cours de formation se fondant sur ces façons de réagir au stress. Il faudrait que les parents, les enseignants, les conseillers et les directeurs prennent conscience qu'il est de la plus grande importance que les femmes voulant jouer avec efficacité plusieurs rôles soient munies de ces moyens de réagir. Ce n'est que le jour où les femmes seront considérées comme des êtres capables (ce qu'elles sont), que nous pourrons espérer voir s'opérer un changement en profondeur dans la façon dont le développement humain est compris.

Berte Rubin a passé son doctorat en Éducation aux adultes à l'université de Toronto en 1987. Depuis 15 ans, elle exerce en tant que conseillère libérale. Elle donne aussi des conférences et des ateliers sur la gestion du stress et l'efficacité de chacun. Elle aime s'adresser à des groupes féministes et serait contente de connaître votre opinion sur cet article.

My primary aim was to investigate the relationship between each of five coping resources - support systems, group affiliations, self-esteem, behaviors and coping skills - and the level of stress experienced by the women in the study.

Support systems are networks of family (nuclear or extended), friends, colleagues, neighbors, mentors and other professional individuals., Group affiliations I defined woman as memberships in clubs and organizations for the purpose to (of personal and/or professional growth, developing friendships or exchanging resources. These groups could be social, professional, recreational, political, religious, interest, or consciousness-raising. Self-esteem is a personal resource related to self-worth that resides within the self. It is simply how a woman personally feels about herself and her actions. Behaviors are various personal qualities that can be modified by a woman to affect her roles of professional, wife and mother. For example, adjectives like determined, opinionated, reflective, emotional, self-denigrating and risking were used in the study to describe different behaviors.

It was upon the knowledge
and use of these
coping skills that a
woman's ability to
handle stress seemed to centre.

Coping skills are a more complicated resource but proved to be the most effective in the lives of study participants. It was upon the knowledge and use of these coping skills that a woman's ability to handle stress seemed to centre. Women were asked to choose descriptive such as “very”, “somewhat” or “never” in responding to questions about their use of these skills. I defined nine distinct coping skills which I divided into three categories. The first, Problem-Solving Skills, are things like identifying and analyzing problems in situations of conflict, setting priorities in order to organize duties, making major decisions and following through with them, and negotiating in situations of conflict. These skills focus on coping with a problem, which really means the ability to contend or deal successfully with a situation or role. This can mean managing by redefining, tolerating, enduring or ultimately accepting. Women in the study used a high degree of problem-solving skills on the job, fairly high with children, and slightly lower with their husbands.

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