connection to the world of learning and education, is published quarterly by
the Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women, a national,
non-profit organization that promotes feminist education and the empowerment of
Editorial Board Donna Marion (Chair)
Cathy Bray Anne Minguet-Patocka Catherine Moore Mieke Nyenhuis Shauna
Editing and Production Christina
Poetry Editor Leona Gom
Humour Editor Donna Marion
Translation Anne Minguet-Patocka
Word Processing Jennifer Bedasie
Printed by Delta Web Graphics
Subscriptions Individuals $17.00
Organizations $30.00
Views and opinions expressed in Women's Education
des femmes are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of
the Secretary of State or CCLOW.
No part of this magazine may be reproduced without
the written permission of the publisher and contributors.
ISSN 0714-9786 |
Women's EDUCATION des
 CCLOW Celebrating our 10th
anniversary! |
The contributions of many women are collected here to
celebrate the 10th anniversary of CCLOW. Some are founding mothers, some are
new members, others are interested supporters, but all of them are to be
thanked: Shauna Butterwick, Pierrette Carrière, Lynn Fogwill, Judith
Grant, JoanBrown Hicks, Mairi Macdonald, Joan McLaren, Greta Hofmann Nemiroff,
Reta Owens, Michèle Pujol, Randi Warne and, for the article on WISE,
Sylvia Ash, Helen King, Janet Larcombe-Wyatt, Carol Ann Rogers Parrell, Dorothy
Robbins, Gladys Watson and several WISE participants. Appreciation also goes to
those who wrote network reports for this issue: Carol Connick, Janeane
McGillivray, Florence Flynn, Cathy Bray, Wynne Farr, Linda Roberts, Shauna
Butterwick and Reta Chahal. Thanks to Marjorie Bell, Linda Wikene Johnson and
Margaret Wall for the poetry, Carol Weaver and for
illustrations, and, once again, Noreen Stevens for the cartoons.
A minor typo but major mistake appeared on page 20 of
vol.7 no. 1, in"Combining Facts and Feelings: A New Approach to
Decision-Making." The sentence "Eight percent of group members were able to
identify a plan within the first year following participation" should read
"Eighty percent of group members ..." What a difference a y makes.
WEdf invites all readers to submit articles, ideas,
poetry, humour in all forms, commentary, reviews and resources. Please send
submissions care of the Editor, WEdf, 47 Main Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4E
2V6. Material should be non-sexist, non-racist and about women written with a
feminist perspective. Submitters who wish their material returned should
include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Writer's Guidelines are
If you would like to have a copy of any article in WEdf,
CCLOW will be pleased to provide it for you, at $.10/page plus postage costs.
Please phone or mail your request to CCLOW.
Our cover is a photo of a student in CCLOW's
WISE programme. |