Acknowledgments For the variety of
perspectives, clarity of expression and originality of insights represented in
this first issue of 1989, thanks go to Helen Breslauer, Jeanette Browne and
Sharon Filger, Jacquie Buncel and Jo Lampert, Denyse Côté (in
translation), Joyce Deveau-Kennedy, Keith Louise Fulton, Jeanne D'Arc Gaudet,
Heidi Meunch, Donna Marion, Mieke Nyenhuis, Beth Westfall and Ellen Woodsworth.
Thanks to Penni Mitchell and Deborah Holmberg-Schwartz for sharing their
experiences in feminist publishing and collective work; much appreciation to
Frances Maika and Anne Miles for their poems. We gratefully acknowledge the
financial contribution of Secretary of State, Women's Program.
Submissions WEdf invites all readers to submit
articles, ideas, poetry, humour in all forms, commentary, reviews and
resources. Please send submissions care of the Editor, WEdf, 47 Main Street,
Toronto, Ontario, M4E 2V6. Material should be non-sexist, non-racist and about
women written with a feminist perspective. Submitters who wish their material
returned should include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Writer's Guidelines
are available on request.
Article Copies If you would like to have a copy
of any article in WEdf, CCLOW will be pleased to provide it for you, at
$.10/page plus postage costs. Please phone or mail your request to CCLOW.

Cover On our cover is a photo by Jacquie Buncel
of Karen, her "sister" in Nicaragua. |