About Us:
Challenging the Stereotypes
I am a slender, not very tall, older woman. But, I am not a
little old lady! Chances are, you aren't either.
If you are fifty-five years of age or older, you probably
learned very early on that your role as a female was to look after the needs of
others without complaining about any "little" concerns that you might have.
Since we often believe ourselves to be insignificant beings, it is not
surprising that society continues to support the myth that women, and
particularly older women, are unimportant. This is the stuff of which little
old ladies are made.
The Example of the Workplace
During interviews for a recent research project on older
women and employment, most respondents who were potential employers seemed to
value older women workers. A few, however, were outspoken in maintaining that
older women should remain invisible, with comments like "What do they have to
work for? Their families are all grown up!" and "They can do volunteer work, if
they want to, but why don't they just stay home and make cookies?"
We must not allow ourselves to be defined by insensitive and
inappropriate stereotypes. We are, after all, persons who have the same basic
requirements for life and living as anyone else. We must not allow ourselves to
be forgotten or made invisible either. In a document entitled Older Workers:
an Imminent Crisis in the Labour Market (1985), the Canada Employment and
Immigration Advisory Council decided to ignore the concerns of older women: "..
.in the end, Council felt that this report would deal only with the situation
of older workers generally and not delve in to the special problems faced by
disabled persons, women and other disadvantaged groups in this age category."
In other words, this report, which ultimately led to the federal government's
program called "Programs for Older Worker Assistance", only deals with men and
any other people who are not considered "disadvantaged".
Contester les
Beverly Jean Brunet étudie la façon dont le
mythe de la vieille dame fragile, qui dispose de temps et de loisirs, a
contribué à maintenir dans la pauvreté beaucoup de femmes
dans les dernières années de leur vie.
La recherche et les programmes sociaux ne se
préoccupent souvent pas des besoins spéciaux des femmes d'un
certain âge, tandis que le milieu de travail ferme ses portes à
celles qui cherchent un emploi rémunéré. Elles
décrochent des emplois à temps partiel, mal payés et
jonglent souvent entre les responsabilités leur incombant en tant que
mères et les soins qu'elles doivent prodiguer à leurs parents
Beverly Jean Brunet estime que les femmes d'un certain
âge doivent en toute vérité se raconter leur vie,et la
raconter aussi à la société. Elle suggère qu'on
atteigne d'autres femmes d'un certain âge qui font partie de groupes
communautaires et d'organismes de femmes (comme Older Women's Network) ou qui
prennent des cours. En unissant leurs efforts, les femmes d'un certain
âge peuvent exiger que surviennent les changements sociaux, juridiques,
politiques et économiques dont elles ont besoin, ainsi que tous ceux
dont tireraient parti les jeunes filles, les femmes et la population dans son
ensemble. |