EDUCATION des femmes
diverse selection of articles and points of view in this general issue of WEdf,
many women are to be thanked for their valuable contributions: Shauna
Butterwick, Linda Cardinal and Cécile Coderre, Barbara Cottrell,
Dominique Drolet, Karlene Faith and June Sturrock, Maureen Shaw, and Glenda
Simms. Zoë Landale and Jane Dawson, both poets from British Columbia,
supplied the poetry, Noreen Stevens the
cartoons, and some
graphics. The work of the network directors in supplying reports of their
activities is also much appreciated. We gratefully
acknowledge the financial contribution of the Secretary of State.

COVER The cover of
this issue shows Mount St. Vincent's Distance Education via Television
programme in action.
WEdf invites all readers to submit articles, ideas,
poetry, humour in all forms, commentary, reviews and resources. Please send
submissions care of the Editor, WEdf, 47 Main Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4E
2V6. Material should be non-sexist, non-racist and about women written with a
feminist perspective. Submitter who wish their material returned should include
a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Writer's Guidelines are available.